Our Classes

How does Survival Swimming differ from traditional swim lessons?

Traditional swim lessons focus on orientation and guided discovery in the water. Typically, children are in lessons for many years without learning how to actually save themselves if they were to fall into a body of water.

With survival swim lessons, students are not only able to perform a survival float by the end of their 6 week session, they are able to perform these skills fully clothed (as many drowning accidents happen when families are not planning on swimming). They are also building the foundation for future swimming because they learn how to turn back over and swim to a goal (a person or a target). If they are unable to make it to a target, or there is nothing to swim to, they learn to just roll to their back and rest.

Survival Swim Lessons

Can I come and watch a lesson?

Yes! You are more than welcome to schedule a time to come and watch a lesson! Contact me for more information.

Survival Swim Lessons