Drowning is 100% preventable.
At Creme de la Swim, we teach children a valuable, life-saving skill so they will know exactly what to do if they fall into a body of water.
We call this Survival Swimming. Our parents call this
“Peace of Mind”
Swimming is not a natural instinct for humans, it is a skill that must be taught and practiced.
At Creme de la Swim, we are teaching children valuable,
life-saving skills so they know exactly what to do if they were to fall into a body of water.
The vast majority of Traditional Swimming Programs do not teach the child to solve an aquatic problem or how to maneuver in the water to safety. Sadly, traditional swimming lessons, even if started as an infant, can often take a child 3-4 years of weekly lessons before they have any chance of saving themselves in a water emergency. Within that 3-4 years learning timeframe, they are a danger to themselves because they have not been taught the WaterSafe℠ Skills. Most love the water, yet have no true skills to survive in it.
With Survival Swim Lessons, most children are able to turn and float independently in 4-5 weeks instead of 3-4 years in Traditional Swimming Lessons.
Our programs are executed better and more consistently than most other swim programs.
There are so many things for our children to be involved in today, but learning to swim is a necessity because it’s
a life-saving skill.